This is another large painting,and not exactly a 'daily painting'. Arthur is a 93 year old 2nd World War Veteran and as I type this he will have just arrived in France, as the only surviivng member of the Royal Norfolk regiment from the 2nd World War. Over the next two days he will be laying two wreaths, one at Dunkirk where he lost his brother and one at Le Paradis, the site of the massacre of the Norfolks. Painting this portrait has been an absolute privilege.
I decided to paint this portrait 'Alla Prima' and work it as a 'piece' a day rather than working in layers as I would usually for a commissioned portrait. This had the effect of moving me on rather than 'honing in' to any particular area; which is the opposite to what I thought might happen. The portrait reached a state of completion much quicker and less stressfully than I thought it might.
This oil sketch was painted earlier today. Jack is a young musician, and an incredibly personable young man. He has classical good looks and whilst painting him I could only but marvel on the beauty of youth; age does that to one...!
I have been working on some larger pieces over the last week or so, physically and metaphorically. Duncan, the chef, catered for us during a painting week, which was a 9.30am - day and very kindly volunteered to model for us during one of the evening sessons. During the evening session a lot of alcohol tended to be consumed; it kept us going after such a long day:).... it was a sort of 'addictive painting boot camp!' This painting is done from reference material and a pastel done at the time.
I am excited to learn from the President of the Pastel Society that this pastel, 'Arrangement in Blue and White' has been chosen by Unison as their award piece at the forthcoming annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London.
This traditional pastel still -life was a quick seller. The wine bottle was lent to me by my gallery owner who sugested I included a fine wine to my set up. He clearly sensed the wine I usually quaff is not in this league:)
This is my latest efforts from the weekly session at the scout hut. Tish a grandmother and poet has a very characterful face which I enjoyed trying to capture. I photographed my progress via my camera phone, so the colour is a little off at times.
I have several sizes of this particular blue ginger jar. I have wanted to include it in a still-life for sometime and I have finallly got around to it:) It makes a nice change for me to do a still-life again after all the figurative work I have been doing lately.
This study of Radka a young woman from the Czech Republic, was painted during a life session a few days ago, during a session of approx two and a half hours.